Copy rom to device memory or memory card. Return to Recovery> Install>
choose to rom file
- Soft brick and hard brick: what to do when an Android phone turns into a brick?(Opens in a new browser tab)
- How to move Android apps and application data to SD card(Opens in a new browser tab)
- General instruction on flash ROM Android, how to install Recovery, source for ROM(Opens in a new browser tab)
Download and extract the file VIVO_BBK5.1.11_Version.7z. Inside
Contains driver, video of how to use tool and AFTool Terbaru (v5.2.15)
Use the tool, the account and the login password for the tool
(when running the tool, turn off the antivirus software)
User: shuajibang520 Pass: shuajibang666
- (3,7G)
- (3,6G)
Flash tool