Home Windows Use App on your computer to access the blocked Website

Use App on your computer to access the blocked Website


App helps VPN affiliation to access blocked websites on android and iOS phones. However, the App will solely be used on phones, this text can guide you to use the app with the WARP + package on your pc. The advantage of this is often that you just can use the free VPN with altitude.

To use App on a computer, it needs a software called TunSafe. There is a function to get the config file of to create a VPN connection on the computer.

TunSafe is a fast and modern layer 3 VPN connection software, using the WireGuard protocol. TunSafe creates a virtual network card TAP-Windows. This open source network card was created by the OpenVPN team to have direct access to TCP / IP packets.

Features of TunSafe

  • All free
  • Works with all types of Internet connections
  • Works with your own WireGuard configuration files
  • Written in C ++ for maximum performance
  • Many features: Kill-Switch, LAN-IP bypass
  • WG compatible command line tool
  • Supports IPv4 and IPv6

How to install app on the computer

Install TunSafe

  • Download Tunsafe
  • Open the newly installed TunSafe software
  • Go to menu: File> Generate Key Pair
  • Click the “Randomize” button to get the generated Private Key and Public Key

Run Python script to get Warp + configuration

from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import requests
import dataclasses
import json
import subprocess
import shutil
import sys

api_version = "v0a769"
api = f"https://api.cloudflareclient.com/{api_version}"
reg_url = f"{api}/reg"
status_url = f"{api}/client_config"
terms_of_service_url = "https://www.cloudflare.com/application/terms/"

data_path = Path(".")
identity_path = data_path.joinpath("wgcf-identity.json")
config_path = data_path.joinpath("wgcf-profile.conf")

default_headers = {"Accept-Encoding": "gzip",
				   "User-Agent": "okhttp/3.12.1"}

# toggle to allow sniffing traffic
debug = False

def get_verify() -> bool:
	return not debug

def get_config_url(account_token: str) -> str:
	return f"{reg_url}/{account_token}"

class AccountData():
	account_id: str
	access_token: str
	private_key: str

class ConfigurationData():
	local_address_ipv4: str
	local_address_ipv6: str
	endpoint_address_host: str
	endpoint_address_ipv4: str
	endpoint_address_ipv6: str
	endpoint_public_key: str
	warp_enabled: bool
	account_type: str
	warp_plus_enabled: bool

def get_timestamp() -> str:
	# SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd\'T\'HH:mm:ss", Locale.US)
	timestamp = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc).astimezone(None).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z")
	# trim microseconds to 2 digits
	timestamp = timestamp[:-10]+timestamp[-6:]
	# separate timezone offset
	timestamp = timestamp[:-2]+":"+timestamp[-2:]
	return timestamp

def gen_private_key() -> str:
	privKey = input("Please enter private key:\n")
	return privKey.strip()

def gen_public_key(private_key: str) -> str:
	pubKey = input("Please enter public key:\n")
	return pubKey.strip()

def do_register() -> AccountData:
	timestamp = get_timestamp()
	private_key = gen_private_key()
	public_key = gen_public_key(private_key)
	data = {"install_id": "", "tos": timestamp, "key": public_key, "fcm_token": "", "type": "Android",
			"locale": "en_US"}

	headers = default_headers.copy()
	headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=UTF-8"

	response = requests.post(reg_url, json=data, headers=headers, verify=get_verify())

	response = response.json()
	return AccountData(response["id"], response["token"], private_key)

def save_identitiy(account_data: AccountData):
	with open(identity_path, "w") as f:
		f.write(json.dumps(dataclasses.asdict(account_data), indent=4))

def load_identity() -> AccountData:
	with open(identity_path, "r") as f:
		account_data = AccountData(**json.loads(f.read()))
		return account_data

def enable_warp(account_data: AccountData):
	data = {"warp_enabled": True}

	headers = default_headers.copy()
	headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {account_data.access_token}"
	headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=UTF-8"

	response = requests.patch(get_config_url(account_data.account_id), json=data, headers=headers, verify=get_verify())

	response = json.loads(response.content)
	assert response["warp_enabled"] == True

def get_server_conf(account_data: AccountData) -> ConfigurationData:
	headers = default_headers.copy()
	headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {account_data.access_token}"

	response = requests.get(get_config_url(account_data.account_id), headers=headers, verify=get_verify())

	response = json.loads(response.content)

	addresses = response["config"]["interface"]["addresses"]
	peer = response["config"]["peers"][0]
	endpoint = peer["endpoint"]

	account = response["account"] if "account" in response else ""
	account_type = account["account_type"] if account != "" else "free"
	warp_plus = account["warp_plus"] if account != "" else False

	return ConfigurationData(addresses["v4"], addresses["v6"], endpoint["host"], endpoint["v4"],
							 endpoint["v6"], peer["public_key"], response["warp_enabled"], account_type, warp_plus)

def get_wireguard_conf(private_key: str, address_1: str, address_2: str, public_key: str, endpoint: str) -> str:
	return f"""
PrivateKey = {private_key}
Address = {address_1}/32
Address = {address_2}/128

PublicKey = {public_key}
AllowedIPs =
AllowedIPs = ::/0
Endpoint = {endpoint}

def create_conf(account_data: AccountData, conf_data: ConfigurationData):
	with open(config_path, "w") as f:
			get_wireguard_conf(account_data.private_key, conf_data.local_address_ipv4,
							   conf_data.local_address_ipv6, conf_data.endpoint_public_key,

if __name__ == "__main__":
	account_data: AccountData

	if not identity_path.exists():
		print("This project is in no way affiliated with Cloudflare!")
		print(f"Cloudflare's Terms of Service: {terms_of_service_url}")
		if not input("Do you agree? (y/N): ").lower() == "y":

		print(f"Creating new identity...")
		account_data = do_register()
		print(f"Loading existing identity...")
		account_data = load_identity()

	print(f"Getting configuration...")
	conf_data = get_server_conf(account_data)

	if not conf_data.warp_enabled:
		print(f"Enabling Warp...")
		conf_data.warp_enabled = True

	print(f"Account type: {conf_data.account_type}")
	print(f"Warp+ enabled: {conf_data.warp_plus_enabled}")

	print("Creating WireGuard configuration...")
	create_conf(account_data, conf_data)

	print("All done! Find your files here:")
  • Click Run to run and display the command line screen on the right
  • The screen shows “Do you agree? (y / N) ”, type y and enter
  • The screen showing “Please enter private key” then copy the Private Key in Tunsafe and paste it in and press Enter
  • The screen shows “Please enter public key” then copy the Public Key in Tunsafe and paste it in and press Enter
  • When run successfully, there will be 2 files: wgcf-identity.json (identifier file) and wgcf-profile.conf (configuration file).
  • Click on the extended menu (the 3-dot icon near the Files section) and select “Download as zip” to download and extract the zip file to any folder.

Configure settings using Warp + with TunSafe

  • Open the TunSafe tool
  • Select File> Browse in Explorer to open the configuration directory.
  • Copy wgcf-profile.conf just downloaded step 2 to the configuration directory.
  • (C: \ Program Files \ TunSafe \ Config)
  • Return to TunSafe and select “wgcf-profile” in the list to connect to Warp +.
  • When TunSafe shows Connected, you have successfully connected.

Add data WARP + on PC

  • Get the Account ID of the account
  • Open the file “wgcf-identity.json” with notepad and find the value of “account_id” as a series of numbers.
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