Youtube shortcut key combination
- Spacebar or K key: stop or play the next video
- Left arrow key (left arrow) and right arrow (right arrow): left key then rewinds 5s, right button rewinds 5s, if J wants to go further then J button rewind 10s, L button rewinds 10s
- Key 0 or Home: return to the beginning of the video
- End key: switch to the end of the video
- Number keys 1 to 9: move to the position corresponding to 10% to 90% of the video duration
- Shift +> and Shift + <key combinations correspond to increasing speed and reducing video speed, the increase is from 0.25x to 2x
- Keys, (comma) and. (period) is used when you stop the video to scroll backwards or forwards through each frame (frame)
- Up and down arrows: increase or decrease volume by 5% each
- M key: mute, press again to open the sound
- The f key is open fullscreen, esc key is full screen
- The i key switches video to picture in picture mode, press again to return to the video page as before
- T key to watch video in theater mode
- C key to turn on subtitles (if available)
- Shift + P combination to go back to the previous video, Shift + N to get to the next video in the list
Trick search on youtube
- If you are in youtube website, want to search something, press / (crossover) will jump to the search frame, search for keywords only.
- If you are using the browser but do not open the youtube page, type in the address bar, press the TAB button, then type the content to search, press enter to return to the search results page of youtube
- For example: type press TAB button, then type “hello” ( hello), press enter will be like this
- If you’re not opening a web browser, want to search on youtube, press Window + R, then type in the chrome command line, with the browser at the top, which can be replaced with firefox , iexplore or microsoft-edge, the search content is in the word SEARCH,
- For example, I want to find taylor on youtube with firefox, press window + R, type firefox, enter will open youtube search results page
- Search to remove keywords: for example, you want to find videos about Hercules, but in the list of results there are videos about Hercules in god of war, want to find results of removing videos related to this game, use the -, e.g. hercules -god -of -war