This is a list of tweaks that have been compatible with unc0ver jailbreak iOS 12.4 (currently supporting devices that use A7 chip line to A11)
- 13Hud
- 4GwantLTE
- A-font
- Activator
- AirPort
- Alkaline
- AnimationsBeFast
- Aperturize
- App Admin
- Apple File Conduit 2 (arm64 / KPPLess)
- AppStore ++
- AskBeforeCalling Too 12
- AutoBrightnessToggle
- AutoLockToggle
- AutoShiftFix
- AutoTouch
- AutoUnlockX
- AwesomePageDots
- Axon
- BackupAZ3
- BadgeCleaner2
- Barmoji
- BarScape
- Battery Life
- BatteryNotch
- BatteryPercentX
- BazziBetterCCXI
- BetterReachability
- BetterSettings
- BetterShutDown
- BetterTextSelection
- BioProtextXS
- BlankIcons
- Bolders
- Bounce It!
- BrickFix
- BTRenamer
- Bubbles
- ByeBreadCrumbs
- CallBar XS
- CallDismiss
- CallDismiss12
- CallRecorder X +
- CamControlSX
- Cappd
- Cercube 5
- ChatLock
- Clean Home Screen
- ClearDock
- ColorBanners 2
- ColorFlow4
- ColorMeBadge
- ColorMyBattery
- CopyLog
- Cthulu
- Cuboid
- Cylinder
- Dark KeyBoard
- DarkMessages (iOS 10)
- DarkSounds
- Date in Status Bar
- DismissAnywhere
- DockXI
- DontKillMyMusic
- Dots
- Double Cut
- Dragger
- DragSpring
- Dune
- Ebullience
- Eclipse Dark Mode iOS 12
- Fabric
- FastUnlockX
- FDots
- Filza
- FingerTouchReachabilityFix
- FiveIconDock
- FiveIconDockXI
- Flame
- FlashyHUD
- FlatSafariURL
- Flex 3 Beta
- Floating Dock Plus
- FloatyDock
- FluidTabs
- Fugap
- Gesto
- Glasklark
- gof2aniV2
- Grider
- Groovify
- HapticFeedback
- HapticKeys
- HideBarX
- HideKBSettings (iOS 11 – 12)
- Honey
- Hyperion
- iCleanerPro
- Iconator2
- Instagram ++
- Installer
- iPadStatusBar
- iThemer
- iWidgets
- JellyFish
- KillBackgroundXS
- KITTLoader
- Lace 2
- LendMyPhone 2
- LetMeBlack
- Liberty Lite
- LittleXS
- LocationFaker
- LocationService
- LockScreenBugFix
- LowPowerDND
- MagmaPro
- Melior
- MiDevice
- Mikoto
- Mitsuha Infinity
- Modulus
- nControl
- NeonBoard
- Neptune for iPhone
- Network Manager
- NewTerm 2
- NextUp 2
- NiceNotes
- NoCCBar
- Noctis12
- NoLargeTitles
- Notchification
- Notifica
- Notify Wifi X
- NPShareSheet
- NudeKeys
- OpenNotifier
- OpenSSH
- OTADisabler
- Pagebar
- Pasithea 2
- PencilChargingIndicator
- PerfectTimeXS
- PhotoManger 12
- PM, Really?
- PokeGO LS Gif
- PortraitXI
- PowerSelector (iOS 11 – 12)
- PrimalFolder
- QuickCC
- Rainbow
- ReachIt
- RealCC
- Relocate
- RePower XII
- Reprovision
- Rocket for Instagram
- Rocketbootstrap
- RoundDock
- Safari Plus
- SafeShutdown
- Saw
- Scribble
- ShortcutEnabler
- ShortLook
- ShutterSoundSwitch
- Shy Page Dots
- SimplePasscodeButtons
- Slyd
- SmallSiri
- SmartBatteryCasePercentage
- SmartLPM
- SmoothCursor
- SnoozeX
- Sonus12
- Spectrogram
- SpinThatRecord
- SpringPlus11
- SwipeSelection
- SwitchService
- System Info
- TapTapFlip
- TapticKeys
- TetherMe
- TextEmojis
- Textyle
- TinyBanners
- Tweak Count 2
- Twttr
- UltraSound
- Gào vào chế độ safe khi đọc khi đọc
- Viola and Bubble Gum
- VolumeSongSkipper113
- Watusi
- WhoNeedsDock
- Wifi Passwords
- Wraith
- HTML Xen
- Youtube Tools
- Zebra
- Zenith