Home Technology Make smart mirrors with Raspberry Pi 3

Make smart mirrors with Raspberry Pi 3


DIY a smart mirror is quite simple but extremely convenient, modern and luxurious. Although the installation is not difficult, but it takes a lot of time and needs perseverance, I will divide each section for you to easily implement.

Smart mirror with the following features:

  • Integrate Google assistant virtual assistant to control smart home devices, ask for hours, weather ….
  • Integrate Amazon’s Alexa artificial intelligence.
  • Built-in Module displays information about time, weather …
  • Integrate the server at the Home assistant family.


  • Raspberry circuit (should use Raspberry as high as possible), memory card, source.
  • Speaker (to hear the sound).
  • Microphone USB (If not available, it is possible to make a microphone of an old headset plugged in a USB soundcard).
  • Old screen, with HDMI port is the most convenient, it must be used to convert HDMI to VGA.
  • HDMI cable.
  • Reflective glass (2D mirror).
  • Raspbian.
  • Putty (to access Pi remotely with a computer on the command window)
  • VNC (to access Pi by computer with visual display)
  • SD formatter (Leave memory card list)
  • Etcher (To burn an ISO file to a memory card)

Steps to proceed:

Install Raspbian operating system

  • Download Raspbian operating system according to the link above and proceed to extract.
  • Format memory card with SD Formatter software.
  • Carry out the ISO file decompression to the memory card with the Etcher software.

Install before inserting a memory card into the Raspberry (for those of you who do not have a monitor connected to Raspberry for a while, those who have screens can skip this step): Aim this step to start Raspberry automatically turn on SSH and connect to your wifi: Go to the memory card and create the following files:

  • Create an empty file, name it SSH
  • Create a new file, name it: wpa_supplicant.conf

The file contents are as follows:

country = vi

update_config = 1

ctrl_interface = / var / run / wpa_supplicant

network = {

scan_ssid = 1 ssid = "your home wifi name"

psk = "wifi password"}

Insert the memory card into Pi, connect the power and the monitor, wait for Pi to boot up.

Install Smart Mirror software package:

  • Plug in the keyboard, mouse into Raspberry (For those who have screens) or use Putty software to access Raspberry (for those who do with computers) by the following way:
  • Find the IP address of the Pi on your router (usually in the browser and then type the address of rounter or and then find the access list named Raspberry).
  • Start Putty software, access Pi’s address with username Pi, raspberry password and then type:
Sudo raspi-config
  • Go to interface section and turn on VNC and SSH.
  • Use VNC software to access Pi similarly.
  • Go to the command prompt (Terminal) and type the following command: (Make sure your Raspberry is connected to the network).
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt-get install npm

sudo npm install -g npm@latest

bash -c "$(curl –sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichMich/MagicMirror/master/installers/raspberry.sh)"

Try the results: You wait for the Pi to install, it will take about 10-15 minutes. After successfully installing, you type:

cd MagicMirror

npm start

(Remember 2 M must be capitalized!)

So you have finished installing the “backbone” software for the Smart Mirror

Modules Weather:

  • Open config.js file at the following link: home / pi / MagicMirror / config
  • Find the line: “Currentweather” and “weatherforecast”
  • Edit the location to your city name (Default is Newyork).
  • postion: is the position of displaying modules such as top_left, bottom_left, top_right, bottom_right … depending on your choice.
  • To get the location ID, go to the openweathermap page to download the file, open it up and find your city tag with the shortcut “ctrl + F” on your computer.
  • Then paste your city ID location into the location ID for the Newyork city ID in the newly opened config.js file.
  • REMEMBER TO REPLACE THE 2 MODULE “Currentweather” and “weatherforecast”

Go get the API key

  • Go to openweathermap then create an account, click on the account and find the API key that will find your key, paste the key you just found into the config.js file.
  • Save config.js file
cd MagicMirror

npm start
  • To exit the mirror screen, press ctrl + Q

New news modules:

Re-enter the last config.js file.

Navigate to the “newsfeed” module and edit the following:

  • title: “anything”
  • url: “https://www.theverge.com/google/rss/index.xml”

Save it and try

cd MagicMirror

npm start
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