Home iOS Tips Instructions to turn on the bubble chat Messenger for iPhone

Instructions to turn on the bubble chat Messenger for iPhone


After a long wait, the Messenger chat bubble is finally here on iOS.
How can I enable this feature? Invite you to follow the following article

Turn on the bubble chat Messenger for iPhone very simple

First, you need to update Facebook and Messenger to the latest version

turn on the bubble chat Messenger for iPhone
turn on the bubble chat Messenger for iPhone

After successful update.
Please access the Facebook application.
At the main screen, you choose to go to Menu (icon 3 dashes) located in the bottom right corner of the screen

Scroll down to Notifications >> Messenger Notifications

turn on the bubble chat Messenger for iPhone
turn on the bubble chat Messenger for iPhone

In the Notification window via Messenger, tick Chat Bubble.

turn on the bubble chat Messenger for iPhone
turn on the bubble chat Messenger for iPhone

Thus, you have successfully enabled the Messenger chat bubble feature

turn on the bubble chat Messenger for iPhone
turn on the bubble chat Messenger for iPhone

Note: This feature is being updated gradually by Facebook by account, so if you have not been able to do step 3 and step 4 of the above instructions, then you will patiently wait for a short time.

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